
Seven Reasons Why Buying a Franchise Just Makes Sense

Feb 6, 2024

decision to launch a business is an exciting one, particularly for those aspiring owners with a strong desire to leverage a career’s worth of insight and industry expertise.

The reality is that most businesses owners underestimate the complexities, challenges and pitfalls of building a business from the ground up. But being a business owner doesn’t mean you need to start from scratch and figure it out along the way. Investing in a franchise business is an incredibly rewarding option that is teeming with opportunity.

Franchise owners attain their business ownership ambitions with a proven model that takes the guess work out of the business success equation. Franchisees are part of a company, system, and reputation that far exceeds what they could reasonably expect on their own.

If you have ever wondered why buying a franchise just makes great sense, the following are the top seven advantages you should consider.

1. Leveraging a Proven Business Model

Perhaps the single greatest value in investing in a franchise is buying into a proven business model. Franchise organizations have validated their business models through years of honing, so any guess work and trial-and-error have long been addressed and resolved – and the results leveraged for the betterment of the franchise system.

Remember: Not all franchise systems are built the same. Longevity matters. Those with long-term, proven business models generally have the highest franchise success rates.

2. Training and Ongoing Support

When you launch a business on your own, there is nobody to guide you through the steps and challenges you will face along the way. The best franchisors provide comprehensive onboarding, ongoing training, and long-term support to their franchisees. This includes insight into what it takes to launch, customer acquisition, industry best practices, operations, and marketing your business, to name a few.

Remember: The best franchise organizations provide high-level training and support on a continuous basis.

3. Access to Ample Resources

The collective power of a franchise system means that franchisees have access to resources that would otherwise likely be out of their reach. A great example of this are high level marketing materials and campaigns that are polished and branded. Creating these from scratch can be cost-prohibitive. As a part of a franchise system, you may also be given special rates and bulk purchasing power often provided to larger companies.

Remember: A franchisor should provide you with the resources you need to succeed.

4. Established Marketing Systems

Marketing your business is a critical driver of success – and every great franchise organization knows that. Franchisors should provide you with the marketing tools you need to attract customers. These tools might include social media campaigns, advertising initiatives, email marketing, and special event planning.

Remember: Marketing and advertising can be expensive, and if done poorly, ineffective. Make sure that the franchise system you are considering has a comprehensive marketing system in place.

5. Protected Territory

Market protection is a key component of every successful franchise owner. Having a protected territory reduces competition and safeguards franchisees’ market share. Territories allow franchise owners to build meaningful relationships, demonstrate a strong presence, and foster word-of-mouth notoriety within their designated area.

Remember: Not every franchise system offers exclusive territories. Be certain to inquire early on in your discovery process about territories and competition.

6. Strong Peer Network

An added benefit to being part of a franchise system is the connection it offers to other franchisees who share similar business dynamics. Peer networks offer knowledge sharing, problem solving, learning opportunities, and a good dose of comradery.

Remember: The best franchisors foster a culture of connectivity and peer support throughout their system.

7. Faster Start-Up

Purchasing a franchise often translates to an expedited start-up period. A franchise business generally takes less time than starting a business from scratch due to all the established systems in place and the franchisor’s expertise it provides in launching a successful franchise business.

Remember: Ask the franchisors you are interested in how long the startup and training processes take. You want to make sure that your startup isn’t dragged out, but at the same time, that you also have the tools you need to succeed.


The Alternative Board (TAB) is the world’s largest franchise system providing peer advisory boards and business coaching for business owners in 24 countries around the globe.

TAB Business Owners are seasoned business leaders who are ready for the next exciting chapters of their lives. Click here to learn if TAB Business Ownership Is Right for You.

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